

UV / UVC lamps use and maintenance FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about UV / UVC lamps use and maintenance:
1. How to use germicidal UV lamps safely and effectively?
●Germicidal UV lamps cannot be used in spaces, where humans/animals stay. Because it is harmful to humans and animals.
●Wear protective clothing, eyewear, and gloves.
●Post warning signs during use and maintenance.
●Always keep the UV lamp clean—The dust and oil on the surface of lamp will affect UV intensity.
●The ideal ambient temperature for germicidal UV lamps is 25℃—At this temperature, the lamp can working stably and with the highest efficiency.

2. How often should I replace my UV Lamps?
Most UV lamps are rated at 10,000 hours, so we recommend you replace them every 12 months.

Last Update: July 9, 2021.